Immigration Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a person who is undocumented and someone who is illegal? In legal terms, "undocumented" and "illegal" refer to the same people. However, most mainstream news organizations have stopped using the term "illegal immigrant" because it criminalizes people rather than their actions. "Undocumented immigrant" is the preferred terminology today.
What is the difference between DACA and the Dream Act?
The DREAM Act was a proposed piece of legislation that would give conditional permanent residence and all of its benefits to qualifying young immigrants. The DREAM Act was passed by the House of Representatives in 2011. DACA differs from the DREAM Act in many respects that make continued life in the U.S. uncertain: DACA is discretionary, temporary (3 years), can be revoked by future presidents or Congresses, and it does not provide a pathway to U.S. legal residency. |
What happens to a DACA immigrant who registers after the three years is up? Are they guaranteed to be legal? DACA is a temporary status and it does not provide a pathway to citizenship. There are no guarantees with DACA that it will be available in the future and that it will not be used to target DACA students for deportation in the future.
Why do people enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their visas? Why don't they come legally? Obviously this is a complicated issue. However, for the vast majority of people, there is no legal way for them to come and/or stay in the U.S.
Is immigration good for the U.S.? Another difficult question and one that is at the heart of the immigration debate.
Immigrants have been the backbone upon which the United States of America was created. They bring their dreams, know-how and best efforts to create a new life in a new country that through the years has offered them an opportunity to thrive.
The immigration system in the US is broken and needs to be fixed. Systems need to be in place that allow for immigration to be more streamlined and friendlier to those who are trying to be a part of our society. The obstacles and lengthy processes create an atmosphere that encourages illegal immigration.
Immigration reform is not an easy topic to tackle, but it is one that requires our immediate attention in order to successfully move forward as a nation.
The detractors of immigration reform have stated that immigrants drive down wages for low-skilled, native-born Americans and take American jobs; however the opposite is true.
The diversity of culture, thought, and background of immigrants provides a richness that enhances the U.S.
and the history of the U.S. is filled with the accomplishments that immigrants have made to this country!
Immigrants have been the backbone upon which the United States of America was created. They bring their dreams, know-how and best efforts to create a new life in a new country that through the years has offered them an opportunity to thrive.
The immigration system in the US is broken and needs to be fixed. Systems need to be in place that allow for immigration to be more streamlined and friendlier to those who are trying to be a part of our society. The obstacles and lengthy processes create an atmosphere that encourages illegal immigration.
Immigration reform is not an easy topic to tackle, but it is one that requires our immediate attention in order to successfully move forward as a nation.
The detractors of immigration reform have stated that immigrants drive down wages for low-skilled, native-born Americans and take American jobs; however the opposite is true.
- There are studies that show that documenting illegal immigrants would actually increase Social Security collections rather than deplete it
- Immigrants are often highly motivated entrepreneurs that create jobs
The diversity of culture, thought, and background of immigrants provides a richness that enhances the U.S.
and the history of the U.S. is filled with the accomplishments that immigrants have made to this country!